22-24 October 2003
Palazzo Re Enzo Bologna, Italy |
Submission of Abstracts Extended Abstracts are invited for e-2003. The conference language is English and abstracts should be for technical papers, business case studies or visionary papers within the scope of the conference, or proposals to arrange complete sessions or tutorials. Extended abstracts of 800 - 1,000 words should be registered on the conference website by 28 February 2003. The abstracts should very clearly - Describe the relevance of the paper, session or tutorial to conference themes - Define the target audience (e.g. general interest, specialist interest, expert focused) - Provide sufficient detail to allow the technical, business or visionary quality of the paper, session or tutorial to be assessed. Papers or sessions can take the form of: - Presentation of ICT related achievements - Lessons learnt from business case studies - Discussion of future oriented technologies - Discussion of existing and emerging standards - Discussion of ERA or future oriented issues - Lessons learnt from regional and national programmes and initiatives - Discussion of legal and contractual issues Following acceptance of abstracts by the International Programme Committee (IPC), authors will submit a draft paper, complete session or tutorial materials for further evaluation and feedback from the IPC. Draft papers, sessions or tutorials may be accepted or rejected to ensure quality and relevance. It is a condition of submitting an abstract that (a) authors act on feedback and comments provided by the IPC to ensure high quality conference proceedings, (b) presenters act on feedback provided by their Session Chairs to ensure high quality conference presentations and (c) presenters register and pay the participant's fee by mid-July 2003, before the papers are sent to the publisher. Publishing schedule for e-2003 The publishing schedule for e-2003 is as follows: - Abstracts submitted by end February 2003 - Abstracts provisionally accepted by end March - Draft papers submitted by end April - Notification of acceptance of draft papers, with IPC feedback provided by end May - Final papers to be delivered electronically and in camera-ready format by end June Thematic priorities The core thematic priorities for e-2003 are: - e-business - e-government - Organisational Knowledge - e-work and Knowledge Work - eEurope 2005 Related themes include but are not restricted to: - Broadband and mobility - Interoperability and standardisation - Digital Ecosystems for SMEs - e-learning - GRID applications, solving complex problems - Multimodal and collaborative work environments - Smart and virtual organisations: regulation; technology - Trust & Confidence Related topics for papers or sessions could include: - ASP solutions - markets, threats, opportunities - Best practice models - lessons learnt - Broadband Technologies and Applications - Critical success factors for eBusiness - Digital Rights Management Applications - eCommerce - eContent - eContracting - eMarketplaces - eProcurement - eProfessions - eStrategy - Innovation & technology transfer - Intelligent Manufacturing Systems - Knowledge management and use of ontologies - Legislative challenges for the digital economy - Media and Entertainment - Mobile Technologies and Applications - New Work Environments - Open Source Technologies and Applications - Payment Systems - Sectoral and Regional Developments - Security and privacy enhancing methods - Smart Card Technologies and Applications - SME focused solutions - Social inclusion in work - Wireless Technologies and Applications Last update:
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